Database / Rexallsro 110 | D11 | Old School | Ch Balance | PVE


SQL Developer
2 فبراير 2017


• Cap | 110.
The cap 110 is a fantastic cap that everyone loves and is nice to play in for longer as lower caps come to an end whilst higher caps can keep on running for long.

• Race | CH&EU .
It was difficult for us to strike a balance between the Chinese and the European races, and we found many difficulties, but that did not stop us from balancing it. We have made the Chinese race legendary like the European race so that we can be fair between the two races

• Mastery .
The Chinese Race Mastery is 330(120 Skills + Chinese balance),
The European race will have 220 Mastery levels.
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
Party Exp
Alchemy Rate
Drop Rate
Drop SOX
CH Balanced
Guild & Union Emblem
Capture The Flag
Battle Arena
Honor Rank
Forgotten World
New Unique's
Magic Pop

• Alchemy Rate
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

• How you can get your silks reward.
•We have silk/h
•Silk On All Titans
•Silk On Unique from Job Temple
•Silk On Normal Demon Shaitan
•Silk From Event
•Vote For Silk
•Discord Events
•Facebook Events

• Rexall Online Main Town | Jangan/Alexandria

Main Town​


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

• Rexall Online New NPCS

Gallery 2​



الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

•Job/Unique Hunt is now more interesting , cuz we added new NPC and you can buy nice things with the Silver Coin and Gold .

•Start Items.
"We wanted to make the start a little easier and smoother for you guys, that’s why we put a little starting gift in your newly made characters, you’ll find them in your inventory when you log into a new character! Keep in mind that they’re neither store-able nor trade-able"

We're added these items to help you!!​
Start Items​


• What do you need to know about awaken system.

Pergament from All mobs 105+ . You can write awaken in the bot and select to pick all of them.
Talisman A from holy water temple + New unique
Talisman B C from Job Temple + Roc + Medus + New Unique +Holy whater Temple
Talisman D (protector/accesorry) From All Uniques .
And a answer for that "What i do with this awaken system?"
You can craft(create) egy A items And Accesorry

Gallery 4​


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

• Max Plus | +15 with [ADV +3].
it's good to make the last plus in server [+12] no adv , the low plus is good for a cap like this , and it will be fair and the damage will not be overpowered.

• PC Limit | 8

• About Trade :
This is very important because from here can you get Silver Coin And Gold .
We are create in Jangan a special npc from where you can buy your reward with Money and Silver Coin.

After the trade is done you will recieve a number of Silver coin.
The currency trade rate is average. If you make one trade of 80m you will recieve approximate 500m.
You can Find in Jangan "Essential NPC" a scroll with 500m . You can buy it with 65 Silver Coins.

• Fortress.
The Available Fortress is Jangan
Aswell as more players will need to battle to get Jangan and it wont be as boring. Later on more fortresses might be added for sure.
In Every Week for The guild winner we will rewarded with 170 silk for evey player and 300 silk for Master

• Max Stack.
We've increased stacks for most important item's in our server like 50-10.000

• Auto Equipment .
"Auto Equipment for ever new members is a mandatory things who all svrvers should have! "
Auto Equipment From (1d~9d)
Auto equipment system gives +12(Full Blue Stat 100%) from Dg 2 to dg 9 +7 Full blue 100% Seal of Sun and from 9 dg give Normal Full blue +7.
This system works like charm ( if you make a new lvl you must teleport and all done [Also we have anti-cheat system you can't sell the auto-equipment untill 80+ you will get stuck) .


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

We have Job's, daily Quests , daily Events ...

•Rexall Online Quests

Quests are the basic things that must be available in any server in order to achieve everything that needs to be enjoyable in the server
But many may hinder the players in some other activities so we put ourselves in the place of the players and we chose 4 ~ 7 tasks that can be completed daily which will give you items/resources

Quests / Tasks:


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

•Rexall Online New Uniques!

At every Titan Uniques you can get 1~5 Silk

•Coin System [Drops]:

•Arena Coin You can take it From Capture The Flag And Battle Arena or you can buy it from Npc with gold
•Gold Coin you can buy it from npc with gold

We have new Uniques in new areas to make the sevrer different like basic servers.
Main Uniques Drops
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
Normal Uniques
Awaken Protector Talisman and Silver Coin 3~8​
New Uniques
Iron Coin 0~3 ;Silver Coin 5~23 ; Awaken B Talisman ; Awaken A Talisman ; Awaken Accesory Talisman ; Awaken Protector Talisman; Immortal Low Rate​
Holy Water Temple
Iron Coin 0~4 ; Gold Coin 0~3 ; Awaken B Talisman ; Awaken A Talisman​
Job Temple
15 Silk on every unique ; Iron Coin 1~5 ; Gold Coin 1~4 ; Silver Coin 3~20 ; Advance Of Elxir [+3] Accesorry / Protector / Weapon ; Awaken C Talisman ; Awaken B Talisman​
ROC With low HP and DMG
60 Silks ; Iron Coin 2~9 ; Gold Coin 2~7 ; Advance Of Elxir [+3] Accesorry / Protector / Weapon ; Awaken C Talisman ; Awaken B Talisman​
60 Silks ; Iron Coin 2~9 ; Gold Coin 2~7 ; Advance Of Elxir [+3] Accesorry / Protector / Weapon ; Awaken C Talisman ; Awaken B Talisman​

•Skill Parts


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Auto Events

•1-Trivia (daily)

questions and answer Winner will win Rexall Online coins as reward.

•2-Alchemy event (daily)
a notice will be written to let people know that there is an alchemy event starting
after register period is over the bot will give a player a certain item that a player will have to plus / plus to

•3-Lucky global (daily)

When the event starts , the bot will start saving the written globals
then select a random player to be the winner.**

•4-Survival Job war (Weekly)

Weekly Event which is about killing each other wearing job suits , each kill=1 Point, When a player reach the 40 kills the event will end and the winner will get 200 Silk

•5-Rexall Online Pvp war (Weekly)

This will be a war between party's which wear's the same cap
reward is amazing

•6-Kill The [GM] (Daily)

After teleporting to the room where the [GM] is, all players have to wear the same pvp and start attacking the [GM], The Player With the Last attack that kills the [GM] will be the winner

•7-PVP 1 VS 1

a notice will be written to let people knows there is a pvp event
after the registration period ends the bot will select random players to play against each other.


The bot will write a mathematical equation in a global then the players have to solve it
first one who solve it will be the winner.

•9-The most wanted

When the events starts , the bot will recall all registered players to the event place
then will select a random player to be the most wanted one in the server,
All they have to do is killing that one , and he have to escape from them , or hiding inside a safe zone
till the event finish

•10-Unexpected order

After starting the event , bot will recall registered players to the event place
then will order them to do something , the first one who obey the bot will be the winner
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

التعديل الأخير:


5 مارس 2023


• Cap | 110.
The cap 110 is a fantastic cap that everyone loves and is nice to play in for longer as lower caps come to an end whilst higher caps can keep on running for long.

• Race | CH&EU .
It was difficult for us to strike a balance between the Chinese and the European races, and we found many difficulties, but that did not stop us from balancing it. We have made the Chinese race legendary like the European race so that we can be fair between the two races

• Mastery .
The Chinese Race Mastery is 330(120 Skills + Chinese balance),
The European race will have 220 Mastery levels.
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
Party Exp
Alchemy Rate
Drop Rate
Drop SOX
CH Balanced
Guild & Union Emblem
Capture The Flag
Battle Arena
Honor Rank
Forgotten World
New Unique's
Magic Pop

• Alchemy Rate
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

• How you can get your silks reward.
•We have silk/h
•Silk On All Titans
•Silk On Unique from Job Temple
•Silk On Normal Demon Shaitan
•Silk From Event
•Vote For Silk
•Discord Events
•Facebook Events

• Rexall Online Main Town | Jangan/Alexandria

Main Town​


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

• Rexall Online New NPCS

Gallery 2​



الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

•Job/Unique Hunt is now more interesting , cuz we added new NPC and you can buy nice things with the Silver Coin and Gold .

•Start Items.
"We wanted to make the start a little easier and smoother for you guys, that’s why we put a little starting gift in your newly made characters, you’ll find them in your inventory when you log into a new character! Keep in mind that they’re neither store-able nor trade-able"

We're added these items to help you!!​
Start Items​


• What do you need to know about awaken system.

Pergament from All mobs 105+ . You can write awaken in the bot and select to pick all of them.
Talisman A from holy water temple + New unique
Talisman B C from Job Temple + Roc + Medus + New Unique +Holy whater Temple
Talisman D (protector/accesorry) From All Uniques .
And a answer for that "What i do with this awaken system?"
You can craft(create) egy A items And Accesorry

Gallery 4​


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

• Max Plus | +15 with [ADV +3].
it's good to make the last plus in server [+12] no adv , the low plus is good for a cap like this , and it will be fair and the damage will not be overpowered.

• PC Limit | 8

• About Trade :
This is very important because from here can you get Silver Coin And Gold .
We are create in Jangan a special npc from where you can buy your reward with Money and Silver Coin.

After the trade is done you will recieve a number of Silver coin.
The currency trade rate is average. If you make one trade of 80m you will recieve approximate 500m.
You can Find in Jangan "Essential NPC" a scroll with 500m . You can buy it with 65 Silver Coins.

• Fortress.
The Available Fortress is Jangan
Aswell as more players will need to battle to get Jangan and it wont be as boring. Later on more fortresses might be added for sure.
In Every Week for The guild winner we will rewarded with 170 silk for evey player and 300 silk for Master

• Max Stack.
We've increased stacks for most important item's in our server like 50-10.000

• Auto Equipment .
"Auto Equipment for ever new members is a mandatory things who all svrvers should have! "
Auto Equipment From (1d~9d)
Auto equipment system gives +12(Full Blue Stat 100%) from Dg 2 to dg 9 +7 Full blue 100% Seal of Sun and from 9 dg give Normal Full blue +7.
This system works like charm ( if you make a new lvl you must teleport and all done [Also we have anti-cheat system you can't sell the auto-equipment untill 80+ you will get stuck) .


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

We have Job's, daily Quests , daily Events ...

•Rexall Online Quests

Quests are the basic things that must be available in any server in order to achieve everything that needs to be enjoyable in the server
But many may hinder the players in some other activities so we put ourselves in the place of the players and we chose 4 ~ 7 tasks that can be completed daily which will give you items/resources

Quests / Tasks:


الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

•Rexall Online New Uniques!

At every Titan Uniques you can get 1~5 Silk

•Coin System [Drops]:

•Arena Coin You can take it From Capture The Flag And Battle Arena or you can buy it from Npc with gold
•Gold Coin you can buy it from npc with gold

We have new Uniques in new areas to make the sevrer different like basic servers.
Main Uniques Drops
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
Normal Uniques
Awaken Protector Talisman and Silver Coin 3~8​
New Uniques
Iron Coin 0~3 ;Silver Coin 5~23 ; Awaken B Talisman ; Awaken A Talisman ; Awaken Accesory Talisman ; Awaken Protector Talisman; Immortal Low Rate​
Holy Water Temple
Iron Coin 0~4 ; Gold Coin 0~3 ; Awaken B Talisman ; Awaken A Talisman​
Job Temple
15 Silk on every unique ; Iron Coin 1~5 ; Gold Coin 1~4 ; Silver Coin 3~20 ; Advance Of Elxir [+3] Accesorry / Protector / Weapon ; Awaken C Talisman ; Awaken B Talisman​
ROC With low HP and DMG
60 Silks ; Iron Coin 2~9 ; Gold Coin 2~7 ; Advance Of Elxir [+3] Accesorry / Protector / Weapon ; Awaken C Talisman ; Awaken B Talisman​
60 Silks ; Iron Coin 2~9 ; Gold Coin 2~7 ; Advance Of Elxir [+3] Accesorry / Protector / Weapon ; Awaken C Talisman ; Awaken B Talisman​

•Skill Parts


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Auto Events

•1-Trivia (daily)

questions and answer Winner will win Rexall Online coins as reward.

•2-Alchemy event (daily)
a notice will be written to let people know that there is an alchemy event starting
after register period is over the bot will give a player a certain item that a player will have to plus / plus to

•3-Lucky global (daily)

When the event starts , the bot will start saving the written globals
then select a random player to be the winner.**

•4-Survival Job war (Weekly)

Weekly Event which is about killing each other wearing job suits , each kill=1 Point, When a player reach the 40 kills the event will end and the winner will get 200 Silk

•5-Rexall Online Pvp war (Weekly)

This will be a war between party's which wear's the same cap
reward is amazing

•6-Kill The [GM] (Daily)

After teleporting to the room where the [GM] is, all players have to wear the same pvp and start attacking the [GM], The Player With the Last attack that kills the [GM] will be the winner

•7-PVP 1 VS 1

a notice will be written to let people knows there is a pvp event
after the registration period ends the bot will select random players to play against each other.


The bot will write a mathematical equation in a global then the players have to solve it
first one who solve it will be the winner.

•9-The most wanted

When the events starts , the bot will recall all registered players to the event place
then will select a random player to be the most wanted one in the server,
All they have to do is killing that one , and he have to escape from them , or hiding inside a safe zone
till the event finish

•10-Unexpected order

After starting the event , bot will recall registered players to the event place
then will order them to do something , the first one who obey the bot will be the winner
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!