
- Silkroad Organic is a brand new innovative game which is going to be featured shortly, We are going to offer you a game that we believe that it will raise the bar when it comes to extensive and engaging Silkroad gaming experience, In addition, it is providing the chance for you to put you into the shoes of a hero in a way you won't have experienced before, furthermore, we have spent a lot of time developing a server with a genuine uniques system and a lot of unprecedented systems in order to provide you some epic and unforgettable memories, Silkroad Organic Online is undoubtedly creative, suspenseful and it's going to be launched soon, Do you have what it takes to be a champion?

- We have had a lot of issues at the last time and we have been frustrated, but we kept working hard till we found the trouble that causes the delay and fixed it eventually, hence, some players have asked us to reborn the server, we didn't like the idea at the beginning because we wanted to keep Silkroad Organic alive for a long time, but they insisted on doing a relaunch from the scratch, we have done a poll and we surprisingly had more than 60% approval on the relaunch which encouraged us to do it, we have improved every feature in the game, we have even added more fascinating automatic events, however, we would like to give our word to keep the server stable, up-to-date and worthy.

- We have had a lot of issues at the last time and we have been frustrated, but we kept working hard till we found the trouble that causes the delay and fixed it eventually, hence, some players have asked us to reborn the server, we didn't like the idea at the beginning because we wanted to keep Silkroad Organic alive for a long time, but they insisted on doing a relaunch from the scratch, we have done a poll and we surprisingly had more than 60% approval on the relaunch which encouraged us to do it, we have improved every feature in the game, we have even added more fascinating automatic events, however, we would like to give our word to keep the server stable, up-to-date and worthy.

- Beta phase will be held in 5 of February at 12:00 GMT +1 , Beta phase is a fundamental step of every server, it has to be done before the grand-opening to make sure that the server is running smoothly and have no bugs at all, hence, we would like to consider our previous opening as beta stage which will be a really long one and we have totally solved every trouble that existed, in addition, the previous server gave us an opportunity to improve our communication with our players and to hear all of their recommendations, we more than happy to to invite all of you to join our Grand Opening.

- Grand opening will be held in 15th of February at 12:00 GMT +1, we would like to inform you that we are going to give the donators their silks back in order to be as fair as possible, Silkroad Organic is going to lit up the new year!

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
cap | 130 |
Degree | 14 |
Race | Chinese and Europe |
Solo experience/Skill point rates | 300x |
Party experience/Skill point rates | 350x |
Items drop rate | 30x |
Gold drop rate | 5x |
Trade goods rate | 5x |
Alchemy rate | 2.5x |
Main town | Jangan |
Fortresses war | Hotan (Every Friday at 8.00PM [GMT +2]) |
Max plus | +16 (no adv) & +20 (with adv) |
Battle arena | Enabled |
Capture the flag | Enabled |
Forgotten world | Enabled |
Holy water temple | Enabled |
Advanced elixirs | Enabled |
Resurrection scrolls | Enabled |
Auto equipment | Available |
Job temple | Available |
Fellow pets | Available |
Guild/Union emblem | Working |
Guild/Union limits | 24/3 |
Bot | Allowed |

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
60% exp Helper | 1x |
100% exp Helper | 1x |
HP Potion | 1000x |
MP Potion | 1000x |
Move speed 100% | 10x |
Santa wing ( Return Scroll ) | 50x |

In Silkroad Organic we believe everyone has the same chance of obtaining silk, and you are not forced to pay money in a game to have fun, actually you can get much free Coins here, we have many methods of free silk and one of them is killing uniques. In Silkroad Organic killing any unique will give you silk in exchange! so you don't have to pay money, and also you will have fun challenging other players.
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
Tiger Girl (Normal) | | | |
Cerberus(Normal) | | | |
Captain Ivy(Normal) | | | |
Uruchi(Normal) | | | |
Isytaru(Normal) | | | |
Lord Yarkan(Normal) | | | |
Demon Shaitan(Normal) | | | |
Medusa | | | |
Roc 107 | | | |

We know how irritating Damage between European characters and Chinese characters, so we decided to add a Damage skill to all chinese builds to make it more fair for all chinese lovers to play with the euro players.

We have adjusted the alchemy system to be more fun, not that hard and abit challenging at the latest pluses.
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
+1 To +5 | 100% |
+6 | 80% |
+7 | 75% |
+8 | 70% |
+9 | 65% |
+10 | 60% |
+11 | 55% |
+12 | 50% |
+13 | 45% |
+14 | 40% |
+15 | 35% |
+16 | 25% |

Our auto equipment system will always be there to help you in leveling up through your journey on our server, you'll be recieving full sets, weapons, shields and accessories up till the tenth degree starting from the first one which contains all essential blues granted and a special power of 100%.

►When You enter and get Kill you will Get JC Coin
►you can use it and you Have chance to get alot of items

►Winner will Get 20 JC Coin
►Loser will Get 10 JC Coin

►You Can get DG14 Sun Weapon From FGW Collecting 8 Taslimans To Gian 1 Weapon DG14 Sun

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
Boken key | 75% |
Large tong | 70% |
Phantom harp | 65% |
Evil's heart | 60% |
Vindictive spirit's bead | 55% |
Hook hand | 50% |
Commander's patch | 40% |
Sereness's tears | 30% |

Fortress war is Hotan
the winner guild will be rewarded 1000 Silk And 1000 Arena Coin For All Guild Members !
Fortress Time : At Friday : Start 21:00 GMT +2

Job temple uniques are the common ones from silkroad online, they spawn in regular scheduled hours, and they drop certain amounts of all coins which is used to purchase DG14 Items.

We also added Uniques Spawn , so you don't face any problems to Find them !

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
Ultimate Geenine Unique | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |
Ultimate Launatune Unique | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |
KarKadann Unique | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |
Ultimate Venefica Unique | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |
Khulood Unique | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |
Ultimate Demon Venefica Unique | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |
Lord Angel | 15 Point Rank | 3 To 10 Arena Coin | Every 90 Minute |

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
Arena Coin | you can get it From Uniques |
JC Coin | you can get it ROC & Quests |
Silk | you can get it From Event's & Vote on website |

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
1st | 75 silk |
2cd | 50 silk |
3rd | 25 silk |

►How To get DG13 Items?
- You can get DG13 items From NPC IN JANGAN,So you don't worry about getting your items.

►How to get DG14 Nova Items?
- Getting it from mobs BAGDAD TOWN .....

►How to get DG14 Moon Items?
- Getting it from npc in jangan for silk & Coins - Other Way (Getting it from mobs BAGDAD TOWN [Low Rate]) ..... take a chance to get coin to buy it so if you know how to play with this , go ahead and eliminate him!

►How to get DG14 SUN Items?
- Getting it from FGW Reward & OR ORGANIC Upgrade Scroll

You can get the 2 grades below [nova-moon]
from Baghdad town .. which we added new mobs with balanced damage , also drop rates are balanced
- Baghdad town drops
- D14 Nova items
- D14 Moon Items
- All kinds of Elixirs
- All kinds of red stones !

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
From 1 To 100 | 150 silk |
From 101 To 200 | 100 silk |
From 201 To 300 | 50 silk |

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
Arena Coin Quest | Kill 3000 mob Crazy Marauder in Bagdad | 50 arena coin | |
Silk Quest | kill 3 uniques | 200 silk | |
lucky buff Quest | Collect 300 lucky buff item | lucky buff 5% | |
JC Coin Quest | kill 3 Uniques | 50 JC Coin |

Job Reward

Some Screen Of Trade's

# Helper System
# Reports Save Bugs - Suggestions
# Auto Notice Once - Repeat
# Reset System With Pay or Not
# Skills Reset
# New Titles
# Information About Coins
# Status Reset

•Reaching an important point regarding the automatic events, our game contains an event-bot which will be always running events all around the day. We have 9 different events till now, putting in mind that we have 3 more but we'll enable them as soon as we reach a fair number of players.
•Reaching an important point regarding the automatic events, our game contains an event-bot which will be always running events all around the day. We have 9 different events till now, putting in mind that we have 3 more but we'll enable them as soon as we reach a fair number of players.
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
| الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
• Capture The Flag | The renowned Capture The Flag event, Joymax has really invented their whole brain to do it, yet they failed on rewarding the players with worthy items. In Silkroad Organic, CTF will reward you with 1 Gold Coin per kill . |
• Battle Arena | Best of the best, Battle Arena and its various types is the most enjoyable event in the history of the Silk-Road. It's available with Random/Party points matching type in Silkroad Organic! BA has its own Ranking!. (Winner team get 20 Gold Coin ) & ( Loser Team Get 10 Gold Coin). |
• Trivia | A nice trivia from time to time is always nice to alleviate the heat of the grind. Especially when it's rewarding, Answer the question and you will be rewarded. Be the efirst to answer and earn 10 Silks Every Round . |
• Hide & Seek | A GM character will be spawned globally on the land of Silkroad Organic with various hints given out over a specific span of time, whoever finds him first, wins 10 silks! Every Round . |
• Lucky Party Number | Feeling lucky? Well, create a party number and you might be win 5 Silks Every Round . |
• Lucky Private Massage | Feeling lucky? Well, Send a Massage to [BOT]EVENT and you might be win 5 Silks Every Round . |
• Lucky Global | Feeling lucky? Well, Make 1 Global and you might be win 10 Silks Every Round . |
• Lucky Staller | Feeling lucky? Well, Go Jangan South And Open Stall and you might be win 5 Silks Every Round . |
• Search & Destroy | A global monster that appears globally on the land of Silkroad Organic, Search for it, and destroy it for the reward. A single hint is given on spawn with the meant area! 20 Silks Every Round . |

• Donate Store:
- There You can get this items with coins and donate you can chosse as you want we did it with both way to keep our sever play2win

• Avatar Store:
- There You Will Find All Game Avatars
- Prices / Silk / Coins / Gold / There is Many Ways To Wear Avatar

• Video Some Avatar's:

• Pets :
• Follow - Attack Pets - DeBuff attack Pet's :

• Some Screen Of Attack Pets :

الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
Make it go viral and be hyped to experience an amazing adventure one more time in Silkroad Organic !
Participate in this event and follow the following steps to have a chance to win silks :
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thanks very much for visit this thread. We hope you join us if you found the thread kinda interesting. Good luck guys, and enjoy yourselves.
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