Hello Silkroad Community,
Today i would like to introduce to you the VSRO MAX Project. Its unique project which will contain many bug fixes and features and upgrades for the VSRO 188 server side.
Why VSRO MAX files ?
VSRO MAX is the most stable VSRO 188 public files including performance updates and and improvements that doesn't require client modifying.
VSROMAX Features:
Modified Stored Precdures:
Server.cfg, also included in the rar archives
VSRO MAX V1.188 Premium Plans:
Registration key: It will work 15 days trial from the time of the execution, there is no more need to wait for a new key. If you would like to continue to use VSRO MAX modules contact me on skype for paid version.
You can write down any bug you find.
VSROMAX_V10 Files:
-V10 Client Xtrap Files and Server Files with Xtrap:
Download: There is no public release yet for V11 contact Skype.
Current Release: Stable
Current Version : 10
Latest Update: April 8 2017
Today i would like to introduce to you the VSRO MAX Project. Its unique project which will contain many bug fixes and features and upgrades for the VSRO 188 server side.
Why VSRO MAX files ?
VSRO MAX is the most stable VSRO 188 public files including performance updates and and improvements that doesn't require client modifying.
VSROMAX Features:
-CAP 110
-Disabled Green book system without the need to disable it client side.
-Disabled Billing ASP Scripts (You dont need it anymore)
-Disabled the creation of .dmp files.
-Fixed the Xtrap system full functional. (You will need new CS3 files with the paid version for your sro_client.exe)
-Disabled the login capatcha system without the need to edit the client.
-Removed the limit for ExpRatio (Ratio/ 100.0f)
-Removed the limit for ExpRatioParty (Ratio/ 100.0f)
-Removed the limit for DropItemRatio (Ratio/ 100.0f)
-Removed the limit for DropGoldAmountCoef (Ratio/ 100.0f)
-Removed the limit for HwanGainFactor (Ratio/ 100.0f)
-Removed the limit for PCSpeedRatio (Ratio/ 100.0f)
-Disabled Quest:RaiseEvent error report
-Disabled Event:RaiseEvent error report
-If you got killed by monster or player you wont level down anymore if your EXP is 0.
-GM characters do not spawn with invisible anymore, even if they teleported.
-Fixed the job ranking system its now fully working, it will get updated everyday with the academy honor updates. (will need server restart to show in game, since there is no packets for update)
-Fixed the job system EXP logic system.
-Added a check for the pet attack command if the target is null or not, was causing the server to lag and crash.
-Nnew gateway server which will check if the 0x6308 and 0x6309 sent from internal IPs or not, if not it will close the session without preparing the patch exploit.
-Fixed 0x631D exploit.
-VSROMAX Gateway Exploits Protector. its simple but it will does the job for now. if the GatewayServer got attacked by any packet flooder it will simply close the connection and the sessions and it will stop receiving packets from the attacker [IP] for one hour or until you restart the GatewayServer. It blocks the attacker [IP] in the memory of the executable files and it will give you information about the attacker aka his [IP].
-Added bool system for Xtrap Activate and Deactivate
-Fixed every bug that linked to battle arena system such as abuse or kick out dead players and more on discover your self.
-Added VSROMAX Protector for AgentServer attacks - it will show logs as "VSROMAX Exploits Protector User (%s)"
-Added "ResolveNextPosWithOpt() TempCur.pCell == NULL : %d(%d, %d), (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)" in "%04d-%02d-%02d_RegionFatalLog.txt"
it will actually tells you what is wrong with regions if it have invalid layers or ids or navmesh, etc.
-Fixed bug in the forgotten world system which might happen with exiting the world or party.
-Added "Exception has been occurred during dispatching msg (MsgID:0x%02X)" - it will actually gives you a real reason and real opcode of which packet got a problem if the packet opcode is not in the silkroad netmsg system it will shows the real packet opcode as 0x0000.
-Upgraded the navmesh code it will actually now load the latest ISRO navmesh folder without any errors, this will gives you the opportunity to get all the fixes that joymax is releasing for maps server-side.
-Fixed the Unknown Timedjob id or Failed to create TimedJob bug.
-Fixed bug with blues, if you fused 2 stones same power, the server will calculate the 1st stone only, nothing more.
-Fixed SYNC bug with the DB session and thread id cause the ShardManager to lose what it was doing.
-Fixed one of the stages in QNO_CA_THIEF_2 quest.
-Fixed bug with "ITEM_QSP_ALL_POTION_1_02" being do not get counted if you picked it up in quest "QSP_ALL_POTION"
-Fixed bug in storage system cause gameserver to not being able to find the itemid64.
-Fixed bug in the trade system which cause gameserver to not being able to find the itemdid64.
-Fixed the Guild Introduction NPC SQLI in game, also general.
-Fixed instance Dungeon invalid layer return in gameserver bug.
-Fixed the monsters AI positions cause them to stuck in walls sometimes.
-Fixed bug with forgotten world abusing it without authority.
-Fixed and improved the Dagger attack formula calculation (same as csro-r released files).
-Fixed Goofie (IWA) Lobby DC Exploit.
//V8 Feb 7 2017
-Added Constantinople Fortress Pulleis.
-Fixed a problem when you try to attack a (PET) in fortress and you get random crash or dc thats because the gameserver fail to get the (PET) owner id.
-Fixed bug in the skills system that the debuffs could be canceled by others.
-Fixed the possibility of duplicating buff skill on the character before and after wearing job suite.
-Fixed a bug that happen when a pet gets attacked by one of the skills.
-Fixed a problem when you could ride (PET) immediately after using stealth skill.
-Fixed a bug in the skills systems that the skills not getting sync btween the client and the server (the server now should give the client the time to play the animation).
-Fixed the (PET) attack when trying to attack a character that is having a known item, cause it to not be able to attack that character (not gonna expose the way in public).
-Fixed a bug releated to the Cruse sleep debuff, if the character is in Cruse sleep state and got hit by Cruse bomb debuff skill, Cruse bomb will never finish until the sleep debuff get finished first.
-Fixed a random disconnect bug when the party creator character is disconnected after 1 hour after registering the party in the party matching.
//V9 March 14 2017
-Added the ability to give custom arena item reward
-Added the ability to change the whole AlchemySystem Fusing time.
-Added the ability to change players count for party monsters to spawn.
-Added the ability to change the percentage for the party monster spawns.
-Added option to BattleArena required user count for it to begin, 1 player forming a party match VS another // 0 == Disabled // 1 == Enabled
//V10 April 8 2017
-Added the ability to change the server cap level from the server.cfg
-Added the ability to change the CH mastery level from the server.cfg
-Added the ability to change the EU mastery level from the server.cfg
-Added very_fatal_log.txt that will contain every exception happen in the server instead of crashing.
-Added "Invalid Msg [MsgID:0x%04X, Wr:%d, Rd:%d" log instead of "Invalid Msg in Process [MsgID %d]" that will tell you how many bytes are missing out of the expected bytes for this defined msg id.
-Added "some GObjChar cannot pump net msg Latest TID (%d), RegionInfo (0x%X, x:%d, z:%d)" log instead of "some GObjChar cannot pump net msg Latest TID (%d)" gives you more information
-Added "some GObjChar cannot be updated Latest Updated TID (%d), Codename(%s), RegionInfo (0x%X, x:%d, z:%d)" log instead of "some GObjChar cannot be updated Latest Updated TID (%d), Codename(%s)"
-Added new feature in the GlobalManager, It will dump all the msg counts that being used into the log, look picture for more information.
-Added msg leak detection "Reported Time : %s, Total Count %d\r\n\r\n"
-Fixed a bug when someone try to duplicate login, or register a party or remove member from the academy, now the server will stop reading the packet instead of just returning error and keep it in the memory which might cause low performance in the network system if someone abuse it.
-Added new feature, Trader now cant follow anyone in game.
-Balanced the party ExpFactor, it was (1.0f + (party member counts) - 1) * 0.03f) for EU and CH for the old files only, now its (1.0f + (party member counts) - 1) * 0.05f) for CH, and for EU its (1.0f + (party member counts) - 1) * 0.03f);
also [1.0f + (European - 1) * 0.20f) + (Chinese * 0.15f))] instead of [1.0f + (European - 1) * 0.20f) + (Chinese * 0.10f))].
-Added a new feature, which will only maintain the recent crest ftp files instead of the whole ftp and thats improves the performance of the shard manager.
-Balanced the distribution of the exp in party by the party master and the critical attacker and the max range.
-Updated the server framework to tell you what is going on as "Server Cord has been closed [%d]%s", "Server Cord has been closed _OnGameServerDisconnected [%d]%s", "Server Cord has been closed _OnAgentServerDisconnected [%d]%s", "OnServerBodyExecutionStepUpdated [%d]%s prev_step:%d, cur_step:%d",
"OnServerBodyExecutionStepUpdated [%d]%s prev_step:%d, cur_step:%d", "Server Cord has been closed [%d]%s", "OnFRAMEWORKMSG_NOTIFY [%d]%s status:%d, cur_step:%d".
-Changed the formula of the silk consumption [instead of the game server uses the gift silk first it will use the main account silk first instead.]
-Added new feature for the party monsters, since vsro wasnt checking if there is party around or not it keeps the party monsters around instead of despawn them since there is no party around.
-Added new feature for the party monsters, to restore their hp if the players stop attacking them.
-Finally fixed the CLAMP system,fixed the "CLAMP() ==> min(%.3f) exceeded max" bug due to math logic, now there is no more CLAMP exceeded max bug its forever fixed.
Modified Stored Precdures:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[_CertifyTB_User]
@szUserID varchar(25),
@szPassword varchar(50)
declare @nUserJID int
declare @sec_primary tinyint
declare @sec_content tinyint
set @nUserJID = 0
set @sec_primary = 0
set @sec_content = 0
-- º£Æ®³² °æÇèÄ¡ Á¾·®Á¦ (ÃÖ¼±È£)
select @nUserJID = JID, @sec_primary = sec_primary, @sec_content = sec_content from TB_User
where StrUserID = @szUserID and password = @szPassword
if( @nUserJID = 0 or @nUserJID is null or @@error <> 0 or @@rowcount = 0)
select convert( tinyint, 1), convert( int, 0), convert( tinyint, 0), convert( tinyint, 0)
if( exists( select Type from _BlockedUser where UserJID = @nUserJID and Type = 1 and getdate() between timeBegin and timeEnd))
select convert( tinyint, 3), @nUserJID, convert( tinyint, 0), convert( tinyint, 0)
-- º£Æ®³² °æÇèÄ¡ Á¾·®Á¦ (ÃÖ¼±È£)
select convert(tinyint, 0), @nUserJID, @sec_primary, @sec_content
Server.cfg, also included in the rar archives
Common {
debug_option_debugger_present {
debug_option_stand_alone {
netengine_debug_option_debugger_present {
netengine_debug_option_stand_alone {
GlobalManager {
Certification "", 32000
LoginFailureTolerance 3
IBUVFailureTolerance 3
LoginFailureBlockTimeMin 10
IBUVFailureBlockTimeMin 10
AutomatedPunisher "AutomatedPunisher"
LoginPunishmentGuide "Blocked for 10 minutes due to incorrect password entered 3 times"
LoginPunishmentDescription "Blocked for 10 minutes due to incorrect password entered 3 times"
IBUVPunishmentGuide "Blocked for 10 minutes due to incorrect code entered 3 times"
IBUVPunishmentDescription "Blocked for 10 minutes due to incorrect code entered 3 times"
GatewayServer {
LastFullVersion_SR_Client 130
Certification "", 15880
DOS_Block_Time 86400000
DownloadServer {
Certification "", 15880
USER_LIMIT 500 // Disable for unlimited users.
FarmManager {
Certification "", 15880
AgentServer {
Certification "", 15882
XtrapOnOff 0 // 0 == Disabled // 1 == Enabled
MachineManager {
Certification "", 15880
SR_GameServer {
Certification "", 15882
ExpRatio 300
ExpRatioParty 300
DropItemRatio 300
DropGoldAmountCoef 300
SET_FEE_RATE "0,5,5,5"
SELL_FEE_RATE "0,10,10,10"
SR_ShardManager {
Certification "", 15882
CREST_FTP_URL "ftp://test:test@"
FlagEvent 1
BattleArenaRandom 1
BattleArenaParty 1
BattleArenaGuild 1
BattleArenaJob 1
ArenaMatchOccupy 1
ArenaMatchFlag 1
ArenaMatchPoint 1
BattleArenaTest1vs1 1 //BattleArena required user count for it to begin, 1 player forming a party match VS another // 0 == Disabled // 1 == Enabled












VSRO MAX V1.188 Premium Plans:
red7moon:Contact me on skype
Registration key: It will work 15 days trial from the time of the execution, there is no more need to wait for a new key. If you would like to continue to use VSRO MAX modules contact me on skype for paid version.
You can write down any bug you find.
VSROMAX_V10 Files:
04/08/2017 04:58 PM 3,338,240 AgentServer.exe
04/08/2017 09:20 PM 6,501 AgentServer.key
04/08/2017 04:58 PM 3,002,368 DownloadServer.exe
04/08/2017 09:20 PM 6,515 DownloadServer.key
04/08/2017 04:59 PM 3,010,560 FarmManager.exe
04/08/2017 09:21 PM 6,503 FarmManager.key
04/08/2017 05:00 PM 3,182,592 GatewayServer.exe
04/08/2017 09:22 PM 6,503 GatewayServer.key
04/08/2017 05:01 PM 3,522,560 GlobalManager.exe
04/08/2017 09:22 PM 6,507 GlobalManager.key
04/08/2017 05:01 PM 3,010,560 MachineManager.exe
04/08/2017 09:23 PM 6,495 MachineManager.key
08/15/2016 08:16 AM 13,000 Map1.CS3
08/15/2016 08:16 AM 13,000 Map2.CS3
04/08/2017 04:48 PM 3,038 Server.cfg
04/08/2017 08:25 PM 11,821,056 SR_GameServer.exe
04/08/2017 09:25 PM 6,504 SR_GameServer.key
04/08/2017 08:26 PM 6,766,592 SR_ShardManager.exe
04/08/2017 09:25 PM 6,520 SR_ShardManager.key
10/22/2008 05:17 PM 28,672 XTrap4Server.dll
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
-V10 Client Xtrap Files and Server Files with Xtrap:
الرابط مخفي
تسجيل الدخول
[B]VSROMAX V11[/B]:-
Hello everyone, many of you have been waiting for v11 and how it will be. Today i will introduce to you the most amazing features that VSROMAX have. i have been working so hard past few months on something that at the end i achieved and i successfully got it to work flawless. Features that everyone dreamed of and how it can be so useful for every server owner. Let me introduce to you the change log for v11.
VSROMAX v11 Change Logs:-
*- Added feature to be able to run MULTI GAMESERVERS and AGENTS on same machine, max 5 GAMESERVERS and 8 AGENTSERVERS.
*- Fixed the C10 bug, wait what ? yes its fully fixed with the multi system in VSROMAX v11.
*- Fixed the server certification to the multi modules and added fully support for it.
*- Even if you had successfully ran the original vsro 188 files on same machine by any how, there is a bug that it got fixed in VSROMAX which is teleporting between the MULTI GAMESERVERS and AGENTS are now linking with client so when you spawn or teleport you wont get crash or 0/0 HP/MP.
*- Fixed memory leak in vsro 188 that got fixed in VSROMAX.
*- VSROMAX is now full compatible with your filter / hyperfilter Proxy IP
*- You will need to add the number of AGENTS you will run in your filter.
*- VSROMAX is running great and so smooth with MULTI MODULES.
[B]Note:[/B] VSROMAX is used by Electus Reborn running 5 GameServers and 5 AgentServers.
[B]Note2:[/B] If you want to get VSROMAX Multi feature you will have to contact me on skype, if we have a deal i will send you full working files and you will have to give me your DBS information since you will be using my own certification server. Also you will not have to open the mssql port public i dont care about that, the information will be only stored and will be sent to your server so it can connect to the dbs.
[B]Note3:[/B] Your privacy is my 1st Priority and concern.
Download: There is no public release yet for V11 contact Skype.
Current Release: Stable
Current Version : 10
Latest Update: April 8 2017
Greetings MeGaMaX.Contact Me: red7moon