

SQL Developer
2 فبراير 2017


Why Lucifer Online

After the long wait trying a series of pay to win games, we have found that the best solution is to make a game similar to the original isro with more fun of course!
so we are in that our game is iSro system with better experience, with high capacity , high bandwidth (Free Lag) ,and we always will support you.
Advanced System
Play to win
Friendly team

Our vision for LUCIFER Online, for silkroad and for the community has been decided even before beginning We decided to start it and leave our very own mark in the history of Silkroad private servers. Our goal is to make an extraordinary server with a great deal of interesting and new features, yet, not over-editing the gameplay. All the features have been added for the sole purpose of complementing the gameplay, leaving fundamental ideas untouched, yet enhancing them with intresting and unique rewards.
Let's take a look at the most important jobbing aspect. In the original game you usually start as a trader in order to gain some quick cash. Additionally, hunters protect you and thieves rob you. Essentially, it's simple as that. The reward is some fame, very quickly earned job levels and of course the gold. Our favourite gaming company ***max made a huge mistake there. The gold distribution is just retarded. A trader receives 300% gold for a trade completion. This means that one characters earns 300% gold. Thieves on the other hand, who usually have to rob traders in groups, since those are protected by hunters, have to share the gold between a full party. What they share is not those 300% gold. They share the original 100% gold price which the goods were bought for. Of course ***max implemented the weekly outcome/ weekly distribution function, which is useless since it only increases the total gold by a mere 15%. This means that thieves are completely disadvantageous. Most private servers have tried to solve this by increasing the gold gain ratio by 4 digit long percentages. However, the main problem stays the same. This only increases inflation and does not solve the actual matter. Which is the ratio of gold gain between the triangular job groups.
We've changed all that and have made proper ratios for individuals, parties in all type of combinations. This means that when you participate in Silkroad's triangular conflict you receive a proper reward. You receive an advantage by being a lone wolf at robbing goods. The gold gain ratio between each job flattens and smoothens the gameplay.
Let's take a look at the features in general.
By jobbing you gain achievement points and coins, these are used to acquire special 'SOS' items ingame. While jobbing you will also increase your jobrank, since you will be killing others. This in return will grant you honor buffs. If you are the best jobber in your group you even receive a title. Furthermore, while increasing your jobrank you acquire the ability to possess new jobskills, These in return give you achievement points again. Using the achievement points you can buy weaponary skills which can be shown off even outside the jobmode. Then by receiving a lot of achievement points you can gain another title. As you can see, everything is based on other features. Each one is complementing the others, thus you can concentrate on having fun and gain all these extras automatically.
Our vision for LUCIFER Online is to create a server with a wide ranged community which is jobbing all day

Cap| 110
Race| Chinese & Europe
Masteries (CH/EU)| 330/220
Solo Exp/SP| 15x
Party Exp| 20x
Drop Rate| 10x
Alchemy| 2x
Job rates| 20x
Gold Rate| 5x
Silk Per Hour| 2 (active at Lv110)
Max Plus| +15
Fortress War| Not Yet
Fortress Time| --:--
Guild Limit| 50
Union Limit| 6
Honor Rank : Job System
Auto Events| Available
Purification Pills Bug | Fixed
Guild/Union Emblem| Working
Bot| Allowed

20 Drug Typoon •
20x Reverse Return Scrolls •
20x Beginner Return Scrolls •
0 Skill Points •
0 Gold •
1,000 HP & MP •
1x 100% Exp. Helper •
1x 60% Exp. Helper •

We added the automatic events system to make sure that the game is Play2Win and to make it up for people that who don't bot 24/7 and these are our current working events and more will be added


It's Way To Motivate Players To Reach The Max Level As Fast As The Could
Frist 100 Player Reach 110 : 150 Silk , Grap Pet 28 Days •
Second 100 Player Reach 110 : 100 Silk , Grap Pet 14 Days •
Third 100 Player Reach 110 : 50 Silk , Grap Pet 7 Days •

silk per hour is One Of systems That Makes Server Play2win Not Pay2Play , The More Hours You Stay Online , The More Silk You Get , However in order to receive Silk per Hour There Is Some Requirement
Reach Level 110 •
Stay Active Not AFK •

Hunting Uniques is a great way to spend your time, each unique you will kill will give you silk, not only that. it will give you unique points, every week our system will pick the most player with points and reward him with Special Yellow Title "Top Unique Killer At This Week" And Colored Godbless With A Low Rate

Tiger Girl : 1 silk •
Cerberus : 1 silk •
Uruchi : 1 silk •
Captin Ivy : 1 silk •
Isyutaru : 3 silk •
Lord yarkan : 5 silk •
Demon Shaitan : 5 silk •
Tiger Girl Titan : 3 silk •
Cerberus Titan : 3 silk •
Uruchi Titan : 3 silk •
Captin Ivy Titan : 3 silk •
Isyutaru Titan : 5 silk •
Lord yarkan Titan : 7 silk •
Demon Shaitan Titan : 7 silk •
Medusa : 15 silk •
Roc : 15 silk •

Job Temple Uniques •

Selket, Neith, Anubis and Isis rooms can be entered by every job
, both from hunters and thieves. To make Hareoris appear for either Hunters or Thieves, players need to gather AP-points. AP points are gained from a quest line for the uniques. Talking to Job Union Representative NPC players can start quests for the uniques. Hitting the unique once is enough to make the quests work. So every player that is participating in killing the unique will be rewarded equally, Each Unqiue Drops A valuable Coins , Gold-Silver-Iron And Copper Coin To Buy Egyptian's Equipment From NPC

Selkis&Neith •

Selkis : 10 Gold Coin , 10 Silver Coin -
Neith : 10 Gold Coin , 10 Silver Coin -
Anubis&Isis •

Anubis : 10 Gold Coin , 10 Silver Coin , 4 Iron Coin -
Isis : 10 Gold Coin , 10 Silver Coin , 4 Iron Coin -
Haroeris&Seth •

Haroeris : 10 Gold Coin , 10 Silver Coin , 5 Copper Coin -
Neith : 10 Gold Coin , 10 Silver Coin , 5 Copper Coin -
Avanced Trade Sytem •

Who doesn´t love jobbing? I personally think it´s the best part about Silk-Road. All those awesome job fights indeed make us feel nostalgic. The good thing about Lucifer is that jobbing plays a huge role and it´s the fountain of earning honor ranking Points. And to assure more fun, we've decided to add new Trade Routes , Trading In Lucfier Is More Advanced It Gives You Coins For Each Trade In Under Water Route

- Under Water Trade Route Vedio -
- Table With Rewards -

CTF & Arena Manager Events •

- Table -
Happy Event •

Collect Happy Word From Monster In Server And Exchange It With So-Ok Event With Special Silk Scrolls

Quests is One Of The Most Interesting System , So We Mixed It With Uniques Hunting
Each Quest Gives You Special Yellow Title Name
Tiger Girl Unique : 30 kills •
Cerberus Unique : 30 kills •
Captin Ivy Unique : 25 kills •
Uruchi Unique : 25 kills •
Isyutaru Unique : 20 kills •
Lord Yarkan Unique : 15 kills •
Demon Shaitan Unique : 10 kills •
KillGM •
Trivia •
S&D •
H&S •
Lottery •
Uniques •
Arange Letter •
There Is More Events In UpComing Updates , Events Numbers Depend On Online Active Players

In Lucifer We Are Different We Appreciate Every Player Working Hard , So We Made A Weekly Rewards For Top Ranking Players , Top Unique Killer , Top Jobbers And Top Richest
Top Unique Killer •

Top Trade •

Top Hunter •

Top Thief •

Top Richest Player •

The Main Reason For This System Is To Make It Easy For Player To Deal With Server There Is Many Orders

It Allows You To Know How Many GM , GA Or Event Maker Are Online

Instead Of Restart After Every 5 Stars Trade You Can Easily Send /job To Falak

You Needn't To Open Website Just Send /uniques ranking To Know Your Points In Uniques Ranking

You Needn't To Open Website Just Send /job ranking To Know Your Points In Job Ranking

Lucifer Online Reborn CH Race , By Increasing Passive Skills Of All CH Mastery To Make CH Players Cope With Our Journey


New Avatars •

Special Items •


We have made many features to provide them with as many services as possible and to make it easier to get stats/control their accounts.
• Working ranking sytstem (Player, Guild, Thief, Hunter, Trader, Unique, Honor)
• Easy support system with fast response
Servertime with all upcoming events •
News •
Donatepanel •
Character unstuck •
Character change name •
Character state reset •
Character skills reset •

Lucifer [Developer&Advertise]x
Falak [Developer&Event Manager]x

Let's Summarize The Whole Topic In Fast Questions And Answers You Can Check Gallary For More Pictures

How To Get Coins •

You Can Get Arena Coin From CTF, Arena Manager , Trading In New Trade Route

You Can Get Copper Coin From Job Temple Uniques As A Drop

You Can Get Copper Coin From Job Temple Uniques As A Drop

You Can Get Copper Coin From Job Temple Uniques As A Drop Or Trading In New Trade Route

You Can Get Copper Coin From Job Temple Uniques As A Drop Or Trading In New Trade Route
How To Get Nova •
Hard Drop Form Mobs 101 : 110
How To Get Egy A Weapon •

Get Full Talisman Collection From FGW And Complete The Sea Of Resentment Quest
How To Get Egy Armor •
Purchasing It From NPCs In Alex With Gold&Silver Coins
How To Get Egy Accessories •
Purchasing It From Arena Manager NPCs With Arena Coin And Amount Of Gold
How To Get Egy B Weapon •
Hard Drop From Last Unique In FGW
How To Get Honor Rank •

Each 5 Stars Trade Gives You 1 Graduates In Academy + 39 Honor Point

Be active stay tuned always to our social media (Facebook and Website News) we have a lot of excited upcoming updates and event's for you but without your support we cannot care on so stay connected with us your opinions is important to us any idea you have for event or any thing to add in our game just write us on Facebook we will always apprecaite it to hear your opinions and do our best to give you best expericnce and satisfaction ..!!


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