SroWay Cap 110 Dg 11 Pve


10 مارس 2018


[IMG=border: 1, expandable: 1, title: SroWay][/IMG]
Sever Online Now <3
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

First 100 Player Git Lv 110
Weapon Max Plus Stat 100
5k SroWay
5k Way Coin
►Sever Info◄
Level cap: 110.
Gear cap: 11th degree.
Skill cap: 110.
Monster cap: 110.
Server files: VSRO.
Races: Ch & Eu.
EXP Rate: x120.
Auto Equip: Until 10th degree.
Bot: Allowed.
opening date: 31/03/2018
►Server Time◄
Thing Time
Uniques Every 2H.
Arena Manager Every 2H.
Event Manager Every 2H.
Fortress War Register 2 Days Per Week.
Fortress War Time Friday 11:00 PM
Enable Fortress Jangan
Enable Fortress Hotan
Char Uniques. Drop Zerk Scroll
Uniques. Drop SroWay Coin
Mobs Drop Way Coin
►Alchemy Rate◄
Plus Rate
+1 100%.
+2 100%.
+3 100%.
+4 60%.
+5 80%.
+6 70%.
+7 60%.
+8 50%.
+9 40%.
+10 30%.
+11 20%.
+12 10%.
From D1~D8 You Will Get FB +7 Sun Weapon - Set and accs Stats 41% And From D9~10 you will get +7 Clean Stats 0%
►New Scrolls◄

its small show about some of game features
Its Official SroWay Scroll Npc
its Have alot of funny items Like 55 Title Scroll Have Alot Of Titles You Can Buy The Scroll For 150 SroWay Coin .,
Holy Water Temple Scroll:- When You Use This Scroll You Will be Able To Join The Holy Water Again With out wait 1 day
Skill Point (10M):- When You Use It You Will Get 10m Skill point
Murder Remover :- When Use This Scroll The Pk Points Will Reset To (0)
Blue Avatar Remover :- Equip Your Avatar and use this scroll to remove the blue from it.
Adv Remover :- Equip Your Weapon., Items And Use It To Remove the adv and restet it to be no adv again
Job Scroll :- use this scroll when you grow up to lv 6,7 and you will reset ur lv to 1 and take a 50 SroWay coin
SroWay Storage-Keeper Scroll :- when u use this scroll the SroWay Storage-Keeper will app to u for a some min's
About Last 2 Tap Its easy tab's one tab for the damage items like 10.15k hp & mp new vigors new hp and mp., And The Last Tab for Speed Like 125% & 150% & 175% & 200% With a nice effects We Hope You Like our features
►Arena Manager & So-OK◄
You can get SroWay Coin From Arena Manager and can get Way Coin From Event So-Ok 1 Per Kill
►Job Room◄
Its Was a Simple Room Its Drop Way Coin with high Rate and get a nice job exp
Next Update Will Add Some Quests For This Mobs
1- Our Team Never Gave Any One a Free Items Or Help Him
2- Our Supporter's Can Player As Normal Players its only Helpful player Hepling Other Player's And We Are Searching For a English Supp., Turkish Supp., [Note] We Never Gave Any Items For The Supp
3- Our Donate Disabled Now And When its will be able to you its will be just coin to support our game play
4- If You dont Like Our GamePlay Please Dont Comment With Poor Comments On Our Topic you can ignore it that's easy
5- please if you like our topic press thanks and rate it to support us
6- About insulting Other People's You Will Get Ban For 3 Days.
7- If You Have Any Question Write It in Comment And I Will Answer You
8- The game is reopening with new team after we told the Real developer .
Vidos System
SroWay2 - epvpImg[IMG=expandable: 1, title: SroWay1][/IMG]