SroKing Online |D13|PVE|Job Based|New Instance|Silk System|SilkPerHour|New Job Skills


17 فبراير 2018



Hi EPVP We Recognized that D13 [ Cap 120 ] Is More Attractive And
excited So We Decided to Open A Server Will New Features Includes Old School , New School And Fun to Perevent Ppl From Feeling Bored So We Tried to Build Bugless Server With All features In PSro World .. Our System Based On SilkSystem's - Job System's ,, It will be welcome and gladness If You Join Us ..
•Why Choose D13 ? A: Cause It's The Best period Of Silkroadworld And With Most Of The Fun & We Found Most Of Ppl Wanna D13 ...
Exp rate is not too high and not too low, it is Normal
exp rate. It doesn't take Years to level up to the
max level. But in the other hand you can't reach the
max level in just 30 Min ..

Grand Opening [12/2/2018]

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Website | Download
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

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•Server info

Information | Value Degree | 13
Mastery Limit [EU] | 240
Mastery Limit [CH] | 480
Races | CH/EU
Cap | 120
Server Type | PVE / PVP
Fortress war | Hotan & Bagdad
Battle Arena | Working
Capture the Flag | Working
JobSystem | Working
Academy | Working [New]
Limit IP | 4
Job Points | Working
Silk / Hour | Working
Max Plus | 14
Auto Events | Yes
Guild Limited | 32
Union Limited | 3
Plus Rate | x1

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•Start Items

[GALLERY=title: Start Items][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

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•Item Mall F10

[GALLERY=title: Item Mall][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

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New trade Routes
New job suits
New quests
New Skill's
New Honor Weapons
New Auto Events
New Baghdad Fortress
New Avatars
job System
Model switch scrolls
New god stone
Chinese Ballance
New job suits
New job Lvl 40

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SoS lottery - Get 13D SoS item's (Gear/Weapon/Accessories)
Moon lottery - Get 13D Moon item's (Gear/Weapon/Accessories)
Elixir lottery - Can GET All Kinds Of Elixr,[ Holy Bible, Crystal Elixir's ]
Adv. Elixir lottery - Can get all Kinds Of Advance Elixr A, B, C, D
Stone lottery - Get All Kind Of Special Stones [immortal and Astral Stones]

[GALLERY=title: Lottery][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

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•New Wind Mastery

It's New Mestary Skill's [CH] Easy To Get How ?!

-Reach Max Lv First Before Use Scrolls
Second your Mastery will have to be at max level [120]
You will get many different level mastery scrolls..
Example: First Use Lv 0 Scroll Then you level up the mastery by order, lvl 1, lvl 2, lvl 3....
The Wind Mastery Scrolls drop from the unique's from (Devil's Garden) and (Petra Dungeon).
[Video Will Be Added Later]
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•New Job Mastery

It's A New Unique Mestary System How To GET !!
-When you make a new char you will find a Job Mastery Scroll and two Job Skill Scrolls.
You Must Use Them [ To Aviod Crashing In Your Journey ].
The scrolls drop from the job temple uniques.You Can Use them At Any Level No Problem
(NOTE) You will only see the mastery with the new level 7 and up job suits on, And Will Disappear After Take Of Your Job Suit
The stats will go up on your char with the suit on and back to normal with the suit off.
And It Will Be Adding Again After Wear Suit's Etc..
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•N ew Scroll's

VIP scroll
Adv.Remove scroll
Remove job [ Aviod 3 day's ]
guild limit scroll [ Aviod 3 day's ]
Instance reentry scroll
Change name scroll
Skill reset scroll
Stat reset scroll
Remove Durability
Pet rename scroll
1 mill Skill point scroll
Premium remove scroll
Devil blue scroll
Devil Gender switch scroll
Silk scrolls
different titles scrolls lv1, lv2, lv3, Zerk
Model Switch scrolls

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•Item Change Scroll's

Scrolls can change the weapon or gears to another type. Example if you have Staff And Want to Change It To Dagger Use Scroll [ Any Weapon to Dagger ]
The same idea for the Set's if You GOT Armor And Want To Change it To Germant You Can Use to Set Germant Scroll Etc...

[GALLERY=title: Item Change][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•Triggered Instance

Taklamakan unique Crystal
Petra Devils Garden
Petra Dungeon
Baghdad Dungeon
Thief Room Dungeon
Unique Room
Champion's Room [ 3 Diffrent Area's For Samarkand , Jangan And Hotan ]
Huhan Party Area [ From Lv 81 To 9 & From 91 To 100 & From 101 to 120 ]

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•Chinese ballance Buffs

- STR & INT Buff - Requirements STR : 370 FOR STR & Requirements INT : 370 For INT

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•New Trade Routes

[GALLERY=title: New Routes][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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New Egyption A and B Avatars, Low level set avatars, New 2016, 2015, 2014 avatars ... Any Avatar You Want xD
[GALLERY=title: Avatar's ][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•New Devil Sprit

[GALLERY=title: Devil Sprit][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

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•God's Stone

It's A Unique Tybe Of Stones You can Put Up to 3 Stones At Your Weapon

[GALLERY=title: GodStones][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•Immortal Stone

How To GET !!

By 3 Way's
1- Lottery Stones
2- Killing BeakYung At JG Cave You Will Find Time in Game Launcher [ From 5 To 10 Stone Per Kill ] [ FOR STR ]
3- Killing Roc At GATE Of Ruler [ It Appear 2 Times A Day ] [ Time You Gonna Find It too ] [ From 5 To 10 Stone Per Kill ] [ For INT ]

[GALLERY=title: Immo - Astral][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•New 13D Honor Weapon's

storage NPC By Honor Point's You Can Get It From Scroll's At NPC Town By Gold Coin [That You Can Get From Job Temple ]

[GALLERY=title: Honor Weapons][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•New Seal's Name

Nova = Seal of Light
Moon = Seal of Shadow
Sun = Seal of Darkness

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•Soulless Item's

Soulles item's DROP From All Mobs And Uniques +Lv 110 To 120 And It Easy To GET

[GALLERY=title: Dead Item's Hight Rates Drop][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•Baghdad FTW

[GALLERY=title: Baghdad FW][*]image:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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•Job Point's System

1 Star - 1M GOLD Reward - Job lottery scroll - 0 job points
2 Star - 1M GOLD Reward - Job lottery scroll - 25 Arena coins - 0 job points
3 Star - 50M GOLD Reward - Job lottery scroll -25 Arena coins- 1 Job point
4 Star - 100M GOLD Reward - 25 SroKing Coin - 5 Job silk - 25 Arena coins - 2 Job points
5 Star - 200M GOLD Reward - 50 SroKing Coin - 5 Job silk - 50 Arena coins - 3 Job points
After each trade you must restart the game To Get Your Reward [ Must ]
When you reach 50 points [ Hunter 100 Point ] you will receave these rewards:
500 Silk
500 Job silk
Best Trader, Hunter, Thief Title
50 globals
Wanted Scroll
You Can Find Your Rank Point's In Website
The job point system will reset for your char after reaching 50 points. to Start Collect Point's Again.
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•Silk Per Kill

Name Silk
Tiger Girl 2/Kill
Cerberus 2/Kill
Captain Ivy 2/Kill
Uruchi 3/Kill
Isyutaru 5/Kill
Lord Yarkan 5/Kill
Demon Shaitan 5/Kill
Medusa 50/Kill

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•Server Rates

Plus | Rate

+1 | 100%
+2 | 100%
+3 | 100%
+4 | 70%
+5 | 50%
+6 | 45%
+7 | 25%
+8 | 20%
+9 | 10%
+10 | 10%
+11 | 10%
+12 | 10%
+13 | 10%
+14 | 5%

Rate | Amount

EXP Rate | x15
Drop Item Ratio | x15
DropGoldAmount | x5
HwanGain | x1.5

-Normal Exp Rates Help You Lv Up With Small Gabs we're also giving 5m sp on the start of
the game

-Drop Rates Are Extremly Good Dead item's Had High Rates But the other's Extremly Good

-As Our Server Based On Gold too So We Make Extremly Hard Gold Drop Rates

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•New Quest's

-To Get More Fun And Make It A War Between The Player's We Added More Than 100 Quest Some Of Them Are Daily And Other's One time Only Etc..
Some OF The Quest's Let You Had Prem Scroll's And Seal Of DarkNess [ We Explained them At Discord Channel ]

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Use Our signature to get 150 Silk on grand opening.

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