Database Eternity Online (110 Cap) - Complete Server Files


3 يناير 2022



As most of the community is aware, I was one of the owners of Eternity Online which launched in January of this year. Eternity was the largest 110 cap server of 2023, maybe even of all time, with no doubt. With a peak of 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbRyFTLRNyDmT1a1boZVfights etc.), you can be sure these files are extremely stable and a perfect base to build your server off of.

I won't get into the full story of why I've decided to release everything - I'll just keep it simple and say that 1.) the team has severly damaged my reputation with every guild in the scene making it very difficult to create further projects, not only hurting myself but my other partners, and 2.) some members of the team including myself are still not fully paid over 9 months later.

Now the main developer, Aaron, is attempting to sell the database & claiming he is the only developer who touched it (lie, my work & Kai's work are in here too) while ignoring my messages, in order to make even more money (despite the fact that he has royally screwed me over & received his % of Eternity profits in full).

These system databases are also being recycled over and over by the core team (Ash, Aaron, Woody) creating fake name projects such as Golden Online & OldSilkroad 80/OldSilkroad ZSZC (you can contact me privately for proofs about that), so I decided it’s time to stop letting people freeload off of mine & others work who weren’t compensated for their huge time and effort given.
I recommend you to not play these corrupted servers .
ANYWAYS, this is a release thread and not an accusation thread. If you want the full details about the situation, you can contact me privately and I’ll show everything with proofs.