Justic Sro


17 أبريل 2022


It is not like any Silk Road,you have seen.it is a story between reality and fantasy embodied in the war between the rich [donator] and the poor [non-donator]
And how can the poor by diligence become rich. And it is our role to achieve justice
[justic sro] beta<3
وكمان انتا الي هتقول نخلي الجراند امتا
Info Server :

Server Type : pvp

Pvp Server
Cap : 110
Coins / Gold System
Solo EXP : 300x
Party EXP : 350x
Drop Rate : 3x
Gold Rate : 4x
Free Silk : 10k
Races: Chinese and Euro
Job Temple : Working
Arena :Working
Unique Rank : Working
Academy : Removed
Fortress War : Hotan

New Avatars
New Premuim 30% & Devil (S) +10
Dragon Flag 9 STR + 9 INT & ADV A+ B IN NPC
Some Uniques Drop Arena Coin + Gold Coin + Silver Coin

Q:How i can get time coin ?
A:you can get it from moobs 108-109-110 or uniques or from events

Q:How i can get silver coins ?
A:you can get it from uniques or from events

Q:How i can get gold coins ?
A:you can get it from uniques or events

Q:How i can get copper coins ?
A:you get it from jupiter - karkdann - khulood uniques or capture the flag or events

Q:How i can buy avatars ?
A:you can get it from our special npc in alex south town

Q:How i can buy follow pets attack ?
A:you can get it from our special npc in alex south town

Q:How i can buy egy b items ?
A:you can buy it from our special npc in alex south town

Q:How i can get zerk scrolls ?
A:drop from uniques or from arena or buy it from our special npc in alex south town

Q:How i can get global chatting ?
A:drop from uniques or buy it from our special npc in alex south town

Q:How i can get premium 20%-devil+10-honor scroll 4x1-scrolls?
A:from our special npc in alex south town

Q:i need to know .. when normal uniques appear ?
A: every 30-45min

Q:i need to know .. when titan uniques appear ?
A: titan uniques appear everyday at 11:00 pm

Q:Which fortress war working ?
A:Hotan only

Q:How i can get luck skill buff ?
A:you get it from the king hyungno ghost and the king mole uniques

Q:How i can get TS Magic Scroll ?
A:you get it from isis , anubis , arabian shaitan and roc

Q:How i can get Lucky Gold Scroll ?
A:you get it from medusa , arabian shaitan and roc

Q:How i can get Change Style Weapon Scroll ?
A:you get it from khulood , karkadann and arabian shaitan

Q:what i can do with ice trophy?
A:you have to collect 2000 ice trophy and change it from GM to weapon +20 100% stats

Q:How i can get egy a items ?
A:you get it from normal npc inside jangan town with 1 gold

Q:how i can get job coin?
A:from job temple moobs / isis - anubis and king kong uniques
Weekly Events
Weekly Unique Event
Weekly PvP Event Donator
Weekly PvP Event Non Donator
Weekly DeathBone Roc (INT)
Weekly DeathBone Roc (STR)
Official Website
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

التعديل الأخير:
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التفاعلات: ahmedsaso20