Rectos online | 110 cap | PVE | Original game-play | High rates | Job bassed!

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طاقم الإدارة
SQL Developer
2 فبراير 2017



We are here today for announcing about Rectos Online. We've thought well in designing and building our gameplay system for providing you the real pleasure like the old days so, we present you a new innovation era of oldschool gameplay with some simple features that will surprise you! It have been developed to be fully suitable for 110 cap with achieving the balance between races and items. We know that there are many of 110 cap servers but we will leave you know the difference by yourself. And we promise that Rectos will be one of the best enjoyable servers which you played in the history of private servers. We also promise to manage our server well and making it always active. We believe in your confidence about the success of the server because we have made a great effort in designing it and will protect it well.

Our ambitions are that we hope you like the design of our gameplay and offering you a bug-free gameplay. However, we developed and designed it well to be something special between the others. Also, we've did a lot of changes in our gameplay such as adding some new features and did some modifications in the old features in order to improve the gameplay and to connect our fans with Rectos. Yes Yes! we promise that we will offer you a long-term server with the best community management and will let you know how the server management should be.​

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

RECTOS Trailer


[#]Beta Info: [27.12.2018]
Our ambitions is that we want to offer you a private server that we hope it to be from the best private server which you played. However, we developed and designed it well to be something special between the others. Also, we've did a lot of changes in our gameplay and added some features in order to improve the gameplay and to connect our fans with Rectos.
GRAND OPENING: [01.01.2019]
Details about the gameplay can be founded below and we hope you like those changes!​


Cap | 110
Race | Chinese and Europe
Masteries CH/EU | 330/220
Solo experience/Skill point rates | 300x
Party experience/Skill point rates | 350x
Items drop rate | 30x
Gold drop rate | 5x
Trade goods rate | 5x
Alchemy rate | Original Rates
Main town | Alexandria
Fortresses war | Jangan (Every Sunday at 8.00PM [GMT +2])
Max plus | +12 (w/o adv) +14 (with adv)
Battle arena | Enabled
Capture the flag | Enabled
Forgotten world | Enabled
Holy water temple | Enabled
Advanced elixirs | Enabled
Resurrection scrolls | Enabled
Academy | Enabled
Auto equipment | Available
Job temple | Available
Fellow pets | Available
Guild/Union emblem | Working
Guild/Union limits | 24/3
Bot | Allowed

[#]Starter Package:
  • 1000x XL HP POTION
  • 1000x XL MP POTION
  • 1x 50% EXP HANDS
  • 1x 100% EXP HANDS
  • 10x 100% SPEED SCROLL
  • 1x 7DAYS DEVIL

[#]Auto Equipment:
We know how it's hard for you to start your journey like the old days because you used to play the private servers, so we decided to gear you up with sun items. This system will work with you till 9 Degree. You will get full star items with full blue and 41% stats.​


[#]Filter and HWIDS:
  • IP HWID limit [8]
  • PC HWID limit [2]
  • Jobbing HWID limit [1]
  • Batle Arena HWID limit [1]
  • Capture the Flag HWID limit [1]
  • Exchange delay [40 sec]
  • Stall delay [60 sec]
  • Logout and Restart delay [20 sec]
  • Global chatting delay [20 sec]
  • Reverse delay (only in jobbing mode) [20 sec]
  • Berserker delay [20 sec]

[#]Top 300 Player:
  1. First 100 Players reached lvl 110 will gain 300 silk as a reward.
  2. Following 100 players reached lvl 110 will gain 200 silk as a reward.
  3. Following 100 players reached lvl 110 will gain 100 silk as a reward.

[#]Chinese Balance:
We've added a passive skill to every build mastery to achieve the balance between chinese and european. It gives you enough power to fight against the European race. You can open this skill when you reach lv 110.

[#]Stone and Materials:
You used to find all of stones in npc at all of private servers and that's very poor and too easy to get. Well, let's tell you about the original way which we were getting hard for some of stones!. Firstly, you need to get tablets from mobs and normal items to destroy them. After destroying, you'll get 4 elements so you can craft them to get stones. Make sure no thing available at npc's, it's up to your hands. But there's another way to get stone by defeating uniques.

[#]Academy System:
we didn't do anything at our academy system, It's the original system. Make sure there's a race between you and other players at academy, so you should be the 1st in the ranking to get all the honor buffs.
Note: Academy points is resetting everyday at 12.00AM (server time).

[#]Title name Quest:
Our title system is the original silkroad title system. we always wanted to make it simple and great.

[#]Automatic Events:
  • Trivia
  • Lucky PM
  • Lucky Global
  • Lucky Staller
  • Lucky Party Number
  • Lottery Gold
  • Lottery Silk
  • Lottery Coins
  • GM Killer
  • Hide And Seek
  • Search And Destroy
  • Last Man Standing


[#]Job Killer System:
Kill 50 player in jobbing mode inside the job temple and win 150 silk as a reward.
Note: You aren't allowed to kill the player more than 2 times per a day.

[#]Trade Goods System:
When you reach level [7] in your job (Trader/Hunter/Thief), you'll be rewarded with Job Rebirth Scroll. This scroll resets your job level to [1] and giving you a random reward!
  • 10x Arena coin
  • 50x Random elixirs (weapon/protector/shield)
  • 1x Global chatting
  • 1x Immortal stone
  • 2x Berserker scroll


Forum Signature:
You have a free chance to win 100 silk in the grand opening. All you have to do is using our forum signature code that down below!​

Signature Code



[#]Facebook Share Events:
We are running share events in our Facebook page, you have a big chance to win a big amount of silks. Don't waste your time and participating in our Facebook share event.

الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!


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التفاعلات: ahmedsaso20
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