[Release] VSROMAX V2 The Future Of VSRO188(New GUI, Item Linking, New Party, More)


14 يوليو 2018


Hello everyone,

What is VSROMAX V2?
Today i would like to interduce to the future of vsro188. I have been working on these features for almost 1 year to get everything, so i did not have a client base to work on, so i have to match one, which is ready and can be used now. VSROMAX V2 is a custom VSR188 server file and client that includes fixes and features that no other public or private files does.

Why choosing VSROMAX V2?
-VSROMAX V2 is custom built server files and client from the base of vsro188.
-VSROMAX V2 contains fixes and preformance improvments that no other files does.
-VSROMAX V2 includes features and fixes that no one wants to find anywhere anywhere.

What are the features of VSROMAX V2?
Septemper 6 2018: V2.2

Client Side:
-Disabled the skills data encryption. Client now reads the normal skills data.
-Enabled multiclient in sro_client.exe and silkroad.exe for testing purposes. (since edxloader does not work with packed exes)
-Added the missing file that was causing the client crash at the start up
-Add client cap change function in type.txt (it changes everything, level, pet, party, quests, etc)
-Add Chinese mastery change function in type.txt
-Add Europe mastery change function in type.txt
-Add Academy config change functions in type.txt (AcademyCreationLevel, AcademyCreationFee, AcademyApprenticeGraduateLevel)
-Modified the gold limitation in every game function to 999,999,999,999 (trade contribution, npc sell price, stall, trade, repair price, fortress structures repair, npc repair, drop, withdraw,

Server Side:
-Disabled the login captcha
-Disabled the BSOBJ error msgs for silk and gold prices.
-Bypassed the limitations of the ratios.
-Fixed the Party spawn percentage function in server.cfg.
-Add Academy config change functions in server.cfg (AcademyCreationLevel, AcademyCreationFee, AcademyApprenticeGraduateLevel, AcademySubMentorGraduateLevel, AcademyCharMaxLevelForGivingHonorPoints, AcademyMaxApprenticeJoinLevel, AcademyMaxSubMentorJoinLevel, (float) AcademyHonorPointsEXPRate)
-Fixed the private dupe bug in vsro188 with the consignment market
-Fixed a bug with the world instance kicking the party when the party leader gets gets changed.
-Fixed the known vsro 2 bugs in the alchemy socket system for bypassing the socket item usage limitations.
-Fixed bug with the guild system do not update the location in the gui for the guild members.
-Fixed a bug in vsro 188 if you have honor buffs you can summon multiple (pets, cos)
-Improved the db system by rewriting thread id and the query id logics.
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 where sometimes the ctf flag picker name doesnt show up
-Fixed a bug in vsro188 where you can trade the activated avatar items through the guild storage.
-Added MAX_JOB_LEVEL in server.cfg to set the max job level.
-Modified the gold limitation in every game function to 999,999,999,999 (trade contribution, npc sell price, stall, trade, repair price, fortress structures repair, npc repair, drop, withdraw,

DataBase Side:
-Added the missing SP in SRO_VT_ACCOUNT_PATCH.sql (You need it to login).

SMC Side:
-New Verdata.dll (allowing you to upload sro_client.key to the launcher)

Septemper 4 2018: V2.1
-Removed the billing cgi, its not needed anymore.
-Removed the client and server on the same machine.
-Removed the media files.

September 3, 2018: V2.0
-Item Chat Linking NO !! (Premium Version)
-New Guild GUI, System YES !!.
-New Friend System YES !!.
-New Friend Group System YES !!.
-New Party System, (Choose Leader) YES !!.
-New Block Whisper System.
-New Block All Chat System.
-New Block All Incoming Friend Requests System.
-New Block Incoming Guild Invite System.
-New Block Incoming Trade System.
-New Block Incoming Party Matching System.
-New Extended Quick Slot Bar.
-You dont get down killed when you get killed.
-Fix for the trijob system EXP code.
-Fix for the Trijob system ranking code.
-Fixed a bug that you can attack a COS which does not have a owner (NULL).
-Fixed the monsters attack location bug, you wont get attacked if the monsters are not right direction vector.
-Fixed an issue that caused an infinite loop to be rolled when generating TimedJob of unknown category.
-Fixed a magic blues but when the set group item will use the wrong magic group id.
-Fixed a bug and improved the preformance of FindItemByDBID function that causes the GS to lag and stuck in a loop which decrases the preformance.
-Fixed the Fortress NPC SQLI hardcoded.
-Added the structures of CT GATES.
-Fixed a bug when you can attack the COS of your teammates or guildmates in fortress world if they are dead or if the gameserver ccouldnt find the OWNERID.
-Fixed a ddtp skill bug in the skills system that you can level up the skill without canceling the active one, the character to be able to use both.
-Fixed a bug where you could board the COS immediately after using invisible
-You can set the ARENA item reward in server.cfg
-Fixed a bug if there is a reserved skill, the client may not finish the animation, so it should be sync now.
-Fixed a serious bug if you are in an abnormal state, sometimes your character is dont deal with other types of damage, thats fixed now.
-Added the ability to set the players count for party monsters to spawn in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the percentage of party monsters spawn in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the server cap in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the CH mastery cap in server.cfg
-Added the ability to set the EU mastery in server.cfg
-Disabled the trader can follow someone in the job state.
-Fixed the party EXP code where it was not balanced.
-Added a code to maintain only the used crest files in the shardmanager. which gives more optimized speed.
-The party system is now distribute the EXP by the DONOR and the critic attacker, the other old logic was bugged in vsro188.
-Changed the silk consumption formula, the GameServer should now use the Real Silk first, instead of otherss.
-Fixed the Party monsters life cycle, it was bugged in vsro188 causing the party mobs never despawn.
-Fixed the CLAMP logic code bug.

What are the future of VSROMAX V2?
-Its still under development and i will keep working on it as far as i have free time.
-Reported bugs and crashes either for server or client will be fixed (Better to include the .dmp files).
-There will be free version of VSROMAX V2 will be free to use for 15 days only.
-There will be a premium version and plans for VSROMAX V2 if you want to get a copy for your server, I will leave my skype at the end of the thread.

VSROMAX V2 Pictures
-Guild System GUI

-Guild NPC

-Block Systems GUI

-Party System GUI

-Chat Item Linking

-New Friends, Groups System

-New Quick Slot Bar

Video Preview:


Setup Guide:
-Download the VSROMAX V2.0.7z from the end of the thread.
-Download the latest 7z extractor, google it.
-Extract the archive.
-Put Media files in your media.pk2
-Copy sro_client.exe and sro_client.key to your original vsro188 client.
-Copy the server files to your server dir and configure the server.cfg.
-Patch up your SRO_VT_SHARD with Patch.sql USE MSSQL STUDIO ONLY
-Run the client and test.

VSROMAX V2.0 Release Information:
-All the features are posted in the thread is included EXCEPT Item Chat Linking.
-Files are protected and packed, if you do not trust it just run it under virtual machine.
-Only report bugs releated to the VSROMAX V2.0 server and client, not your db bugs.
-EDXLoader is not working with my sro_client since it's packed.
-Premium version is rented monthly. Contact me for more information.
-Other questions will be ignored.

VSROMAX V2.2 Download:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

Contact Information:
الرابط مخفي تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل !!

Thanks Greetings,

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التفاعلات: Asmodeus