
  1. K

    Krieg Online | Start Level 1 | Level Cap: 110 | PVP | System Silk & Gold

    Krieg Online | Start Level 1 | Level Cap: 110 | PVE | System Silk & Gold & Coin Introduction : After a long Wait and Games Pay to Win, we reached a good solution to make a game similar to the original and a lot of fun We were Able to do That, Yes, Doesn't Have Anything New, But We Are Looking...
  2. M

    Random Gold Scroll

    :emoji16: دى Scroll بتديك Gold بس بطريقة عشوائية من 100 Gold حتى 1000000000 RefObjCommon 1 98456 ITEM_MALL_MOAMEN_RANDOM_GOLD_SCROLL ???? ???? ??? (???) xxx SN_ITEM_MALL_MOAMEN_RANDOM_GOLD_SCROLL SN_ITEM_MALL_MOAMEN_RANDOM_GOLD_SCROLL_TT_DESC 1 0 3 3 13 14 180000 3 0 1 1 1 255 0 1 0 0 129...